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Aguaverde Family Office SA takes utmost care in preparing the content of this website. The content on the Aguaverde Family Office SA website is constantly updated and checked for correctness. Nevertheless, Aguaverde Family Office SA and its contractual partners offer no guarantees (whether explicit or tacit) and make no promises about whether the content published on the Aguaverde Family Office SA website is correct, accurate, up-to-date or complete. In particular, Aguaverde Family Office SA is in no way obliged to update outdated information or opinions, remove these from the Aguaverde Family Office SA website or flag them accordingly. The information and opinions available on the Aguaverde Family Office SA website are subject to change at any time without prior notification.
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In general, the past performance of an investment vehicle cannot in principle be used to draw any conclusions about the performance thereof in the future. Investments in foreign currencies are also subject to exchange-rate fluctuations. Dividends paid out in relation to individual investment vehicles may also change. Aguaverde Family Office SA makes no guarantees (i) That capital invested in investment vehicles will appreciate in value or remain unchanged; or (ii) About the size of future dividends.
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Aguaverde Family Office SA accepts no liability and makes no guarantees that the information made available on its website is up-to-date, correct or complete. Aguaverde Family Office SA shall not be liable for either direct or indirect damage, including loss of earnings, incurred on the basis of information provided on the Aguaverde Family Office SA website or directly or indirectly related to use of the Aguaverde Family Office SA website and the content therein or the risks of the financial markets. Liability shall be restricted to negligence or foreseeable damage and excluded with regard to consequential damage and loss of earnings.
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